Beavertown Corner Pin pint glass

Added: 22/10/2023 18:40

Type : Ale

Glass type: Conical

Country: England England



Glass Manufacturer:

Inscription: No inscription

Nucleated : Yes

Volume: 568ML (PINT)

Stamped : M21

Year: 2021

Views: 1064


Very unusual glass by Beavertown. Beavertown Corner Pin is the name of a pub operated by Beavertown based in London (N17 0AG).


likita karanam Avatar

likita karanam - 7 months ago

Hello, is there any possible teeny tiny tiniest chance that beavertown corner pin glass can be sold ???? My friend has very dearest memories with the corner pin beavertown glass but I broke it by mistake and this is the only way to make it up for my friend, please just one glass if you could then it would mean so much. I kindly request, please ......

Nick Rankin Avatar

Nick Rankin Administrator - 7 months ago

Hi Likita, I only have the one of these and I don't sell glasses in my collection unless I have them spare. Very sorry about that. I actually bought this one on Amazon, but it was a few years ago now and I can see that it is sold out going over my purchase history. I'd keep an eye out on eBay as it might turn up on there at some point! Nick

likita karanam Avatar

likita karanam - 7 months ago

Thank you very much, Nick, I really hope to find one soon. I really have to Thank you again

Nick Rankin Avatar

Nick Rankin Administrator - 7 months ago

No problem at all, ebay should be a good bet! Keep an eye out on it, create a saved search!

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