Five Lamps

Added: 20/08/2023 21:13

Types : Lager , Ale

Glass type: Conical

Country: Ireland Ireland



Glass Manufacturer:

Inscription: Dublin slang phrases cover the glass

Nucleated : Yes

Volume: 568ML (PINT)

Stamped : M17

Year: 2017

Views: 916


Five Lamps is a craft brewery based in Dublin (now C&C owned). Interesting glass with many Dublin phrases mapped across the surface.


Miriam Moran Avatar

Miriam Moran - 11 months ago

Hi Just wondering if you sell the 5 Lamps Glasses?  Or do you know where I can buy some?  I am looking for some for my husbands Christmas present. Many thanks Miriam

Nick Rankin Avatar

Nick Rankin Administrator - 11 months ago

Sorry Miriam, Just have the one here. I actually picked up another variant in a pub last night (waitress let me take it) which I'll put up on the site shortly.  If your in Dublin check with pubs that have it on draught, they might give you one! Quite a few places do this now as it's owned by C&C Nick

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