Franciscan Well Shandon Stout pint glass

Added: 15/09/2023 15:46

Type : Stout

Glass type: Tulip

Country: Ireland Ireland



Glass Manufacturer:

Inscription: Franciscan Well was founded on the site of an old monastery and well in Cork, Ireland. Shandon Stout was named after the Shandon steeple, a famous Cork landmark.

Nucleated : No

Volume: 568ML (PINT)

Stamped : M19

Year: 2019

Views: 926


Tulip styled pint glass for Franciscan Well's Shandon Stout beer. 

Full text: Franciscan Well was founded on the site of an old monastery and well in Cork, Ireland. Shandon Stout was named after the Shandon steeple, a famous Cork landmark.

Just like the landmark itself, this charismatic stout is full of character. Tall, dark and handsome with a rich smooth body with a light roasted bitterness that slowly dwindles.


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